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Excellence in Education to the Glory of God
King's Education Group
068 202 5378
Core Beliefs

  1. Christian philosophy of education
    We implement a Christian philosophy of education, which is devoted to achieving each student’s God-given potential.

  2. Power of prayer
    Acknowledging God as the head of our school, we remain committed to sincere and fervent prayer to discern His will.

  3. The role of the Bible
    We hold the Bible as pre-eminent in all school operations, develop Bible knowledge within the academic curriculum and integrate spiritual truth into each subject area within the school.

  4. Community impact
    We strive to engage with the broader community, developing our students to be mission-minded, compassionate and pro-active, and partner with others in order to be effective in our operations.

  5. Life-long learning
    We are dedicated to the concept that life is an ongoing series of experiences leading to growth and maturation - for staff through professional development, for students through education that equips them for life’s challenges, and for parents through active parent guidance.

  6. Parental education responsibility
    Parents have the primary responsibility for the education of their children and they choose to consciously delegate this trust to the school. Therefore they have a responsibility to engage meaningfully and positively with the stated aims of the school, both in terms of their child and the public.

  7. Student education responsibility
    Students are taught to be accountable for the choices they make and are expected to take appropriate responsibility for determining positive outcomes in every situation they may encounter.
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