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Excellence in Education to the Glory of God
King's Education Group
068 202 5378
Heartbeat of Our School

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A Biblical Worldview integrated into education

At The King's School, we regard Christian education as fundamentally different to secular education. Our programme is thus uniquely directed in this way. The idea of the integration of faith and learning is that there should be a deliberate and systematic process of approaching the entire educational enterprise - both curricular and co-curricular- from a Christian perspective. It's aim is to ensure that students, by the time they leave school, will have freely internalized biblical values and a view of knowledge, life and destiny that is Bible-based, Christ-centered, service-oriented, and kingdom-directed. (

Here are the essential worldview questions that we consistently apply to all of our thinking and study material:

WHO AM I? This is the question of our IDENTITY. We emphasize to our students that they are children of God and that they belong to Him. This does not only mean that we enjoy the blessings of being a child of the King, but also that we represent this Holy God to others.

WHERE DO I COME FROM? This is the question of our HERITAGE. When God rescued his people from Pharoah and led them out of their captivity under Moses during the Exodus, he regularly called them to remember this. Today it is still important that we remember. We easily become blasé about being God's beloved and chosen children, and when that happens it is good to remember what he has saved us from. We were born into sin, held captive by sin, until God, in his mercy and everlasting love, rescued us by sending Jesus to die for us on the cross. Our heritage was separation from God and he has, through Jesus, invited us into his presence and is transforming us.

WHAT AM I HERE FOR? This is the question of our PURPOSE. We want to teach our students that their purpose is to love God and to serve the people he places us amongst. This is in such stark contrast to the world's teaching that we should build our own empire in a self-satisfying quest for power and pleasure. It's also a worldview question that is perhaps the most difficult to establish because we live in a strong 'me-centered' society that encourages 3 priorities only: me,myself and I!!

WHAT CAN I DO? This is the question of our POTENTIAL. This is not a mindset of believing we have unlimited potential (unfortunately Christians sometimes mistakenly assume that the verse "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" means unlimited potential/ability), but it points our children to God's enduring faithfulness. What he calls us to, he also equips us for. If we look to Christ as our source of strength, it protects us from the dual pitfalls of arrogance as well as feelings of inadequacy.

WHERE AM I GOING? This is the question of our DESTINY. When our worldview emphasizes that we're building together with God a kingdom that is 'forcefully advancing' and is redeeming the world, we add to our hope. In our beautiful country, I am struck by the hope-deprived generation that we've become. People are preoccupied with survival while their spirits are full of despair. May our children thrive on hope as they are on mission with the God of the universe to restore his world.

Please pray with us as a school that we might be steadfast in training a Biblical Worldview that will reveal Godliness in our children.
Identity reveals sonship;
Heritage reveals thankfulness;
Purpose reveals obedience;
Potential reveals God-dependence;
Destiny reveals Hope!

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